Cliffs by the sea

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4/4W – Harvey West

Transfers to/from VTA may be available on this route – visit our Transfer Policy

Front & Soquel Ave
Vernon & River (METRO Admin Offices)
Harvey West Blvd (Harvey West Park)
Emeline Ave (Emeline Complex – Building K)
River St S. & Soquel Ave
7:30am 7:34am 7:38am 7:47am 7:59am
8:00am 8:06am 8:10am 8:19am 8:31am
8:30am 8:36am 8:40am 8:49am 9:01am
9:20am 9:28am 9:50am
10:20am 10:28am 10:52am
11:20am 11:28am 11:52am
12:20pm 12:30pm 1:01pm
1:20pm 1:30pm 2:01pm
2:20pm 2:29pm 2:54pm
3:20pm 3:29pm 3:54pm
4:20pm 4:29pm 4:54pm
5:20pm 5:28pm 5:51pm
5:50pm 5:58pm 6:21pm
Front & Soquel Ave
Harvey West Blvd (Harvey West Park)
River St S. & Soquel Ave
8:10am 8:16am 8:28am
9:10am 9:16am 9:28am
10:10am 10:17am 10:31am
11:10am 11:18am 11:34am
12:10pm 12:18pm 12:38pm
1:10pm 1:18pm 1:38pm
2:10pm 2:18pm 2:36pm
3:10pm 3:17pm 3:33pm
4:10pm 4:17pm 4:33pm
5:10pm 5:17pm 5:33pm
6:10pm 6:17pm 6:33pm