Youth Cruz Free

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Free Rides for K-12 Students

With the Youth Cruz Free pilot program, K-12 students can ride METRO for free on any fixed-route bus serving Santa Cruz County*. Just hop on a bus and let METRO take you to school, work, the beach, or to meet up with friends.

Boy getting on bus

K-12 students can ride METRO for free on any fixed-route bus serving Santa Cruz County*. Just hop on a bus and let METRO take you to school, work, the beach, or to meet up with friends.

Check out our Routes and Schedules and Popular Destinations  to find out where you can go.

*Youth Cruz Free does not apply to Highway 17 Express service.

Bikes are welcome

Need to make a connection that’s farther than walking allows? Bring your bike. All METRO buses are equipped with bike racks to accommodate up to three bicycles.

It’s the eco-friendly way to get around

METRO is dedicated to protecting the environment and has pledged to transition to a zero-emissions fleet. Currently, METRO is partnering with local environmental partners  to help protect Santa Cruz’s beautiful natural resources.

Why Youth Cruz Free

The Youth Cruz Free pilot program eliminates fares to increase access and encourage ridership for youth in grades K-12.

How it works

K-8 Students

Riders in 8th Grade and under may be asked by the driver to identify their grade level or the school they attend. Students may be asked to provide a Student ID, if one is available. No registration necessary with a Student ID.

Students in school
Students walking

High School Students

Riders in Grades 9-12 will be asked to show ID to the driver. No registration necessary with a Student ID. Riders without a Student ID can validate grade level by getting a special pass from their school or signing up for a free METRO Youth Cruz Free ID.

High School Seniors, graduating in Summer 2023, can continue to ride METRO services for free via the Youth Cruz Free Program until August 31, 2023. After that time fares can be purchased to continue utilizing METRO services.

Students Without a Student ID

To obtain a METRO Youth Cruz Free ID, please visit one of METRO’s Customer Service windows at the Watsonville Transit Center or Pacific Station in Downtown Santa Cruz, during business hours. Bring a form of ID or proof of grade level and fill out a Youth Cruz Free On-Demand Form. Please allow at least 5-10 minutes for processing.

Requirements for Youth Riding Alone

METRO recommends that youth below 46”in height be accompanied by a parent/guardian, at the parent’s/guardian’s discretion. If riding alone, youth must be able to follow METRO’s Code of Conduct policy and be responsible for themselves. METRO does not assume responsibility for youth traveling alone.

Pilot Program Duration

Youth Cruz Free began on March 1, 2023, and will run as a pilot program until December 31, 2024. After the term of the pilot program, METRO will review the success of the  program to determine next steps.