Cliffs by the sea

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72 – Green Valley – Hospital

Transfers to/from VTA may be available on this route – visit our Transfer Policy

Watsonville Transit Center – Lane 1
Main & S Green Valley Rd
Airport Blvd (Freedom Centre)
Amesti Rd & Green Valley Rd (Amesti School)
Airport Blvd (Freedom Centre)
Main & S Green Valley Rd
Watsonville Transit Center
6:30am 6:36am 6:43am 6:45am 7:01am 7:08am 7:15am
7:30am 7:36am 7:43am 7:45am 8:01am 8:08am 8:15am
8:30am 8:36am 8:43am 8:45am 9:01am 9:08am 9:15am
9:30am 9:36am 9:43am 9:45am 10:01am 10:08am 10:15am
10:30am 10:36am 10:43am 10:45am 11:01am 11:08am 11:15am
11:30am 11:36am 11:43am 11:45am 12:01pm 12:08pm 12:15pm
12:30pm 12:36pm 12:44pm 12:46pm 1:02pm 1:10pm 1:18pm
1:30pm 1:36pm 1:44pm 1:46pm 2:02pm 2:10pm 2:18pm
2:30pm 2:36pm 2:44pm 2:46pm 3:02pm 3:10pm 3:18pm
3:30pm 3:36pm 3:44pm 3:46pm 4:02pm 4:10pm 4:18pm
4:30pm 4:36pm 4:44pm 4:46pm 5:02pm 5:10pm 5:18pm
5:30pm 5:36pm 5:44pm 5:46pm 6:02pm 6:10pm 6:18pm