Plans & Projects

Trip planner

Plan your trip here

Enter the starting location for your trip
Enter the destination location for your trip
Select the preferred travel time option


This is place holder and will be a Transit App widget

This is place holder and will be integrated from their current alerts service

Current Projects

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What is GTFS?

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is an Open Standard used to distribute relevant information about transit systems to riders. It allows public transit agencies to publish their transit data in a format that can be consumed by a wide variety of software applications, including Google and Apple Maps and the Transit App. Today, the GTFS data format is used by thousands of public transport providers.

GTFS consists of two main parts: GTFS Schedule and GTFS Realtime. GTFS Schedule contains information about routes, schedules, fares, and geographic transit details, and it is presented in simple text files. This straightforward format allows for easy creation and maintenance without relying on complex or proprietary software.

GTFS Realtime contains trip updates, vehicle positions, and service alerts. It is based on Protocol Buffers, which are a language (and platform) neutral mechanism for serializing structured data.

GTFS Feeds

GTFS Schedule (Static) Feed

GTFS Real-Time Feeds

Feed License

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License as well as the SCMTD Developer License Agreement below.

Feed Documentation